Room of live - Marimba solo

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Room of live - Marimba Solo
(C) 5.0 Oktaven Marimba
5:00 Min. - 4 Schlägel

ISMN: 979-0-700287-25-2
GTIN: 42 6052968 726 7

Titelzeichnung: Jürgen Wittiber

New Percussion Literature and Recordings
Percussive Notes, Vol. 61, No. 2, April 2023
Room of Live - Benjamin Wittiber
Instrumentation: 5-octave marimba

This five-minute unaccompanied marimba solo provides the intermediate/advanced fourmallet marimbist with a reflective, lyrical solo jazz experience. This 59-measure solo is printed on five separate pages (one-sided), which avoids page turns. Tonally, the composition alternates between C-minor and C-major, before concluding in E-flat-major. There are indicated tempo markings, from an opening quarter-note equals 58, to an ending tempo marking of quarter-note equals 38. “Room of Live” has a harmonic language similar to a Pat Metheny’s compositions with some beautiful substitute harmonies. His compositional process presents the conceptual challenges of pensive arpeggiated figures throughout its presentation. This solo would be appropriate as a contrasting marimba piece for an advanced percussion solo recital. - Jim Lambert